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David Brown

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Posted by on in Ranching

Pinkeye or infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis is a contagious bacterial infection affecting the eyes of cattle, especially calves. With Pinkeye season around the bend it's a good time to review some of the steps cow-calf operations and ranchers can take to plan for and reduce the severity as well as operational expense of pinkeye in their herds.

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Posted by on in Ranching

A recent research piece titled " Can DNA Marker Technology Improve Feedlot Growth Promotion Management Decisions to Ultimately Improve the Consumer's Beef Eating Experience?" by Colorado State University's Wagner, Thompson, O'Quin, Engle, Ahola, Woodward & Streeter and funded by the The Beef Checkoff brought some interesting new ideas up for both producers and feedlots to take into future consideration.

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Posted by on in Ranching

Horn fly (Haematobia irritans) numbers are starting to go down in many parts of the US and they will soon start entering their winter pupal stage in some Northern States as the cold weather kicks in. These 3/16th inch long pests will winter as maggots underneath manure pads or in the soil. Thus providing cattle with a break from the 20 or more daily blood meals the adults engorge themselves on, at the cattle's expense.

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Posted by on in Ranching

Welcome to the first SmartVet blog post. We're the newest innovators in Animal health focused on creating products that are convenient, easy to use and save time as well as labor for busy ranchers. The VetCap Delivery System with AiM-C was test launched this summer with our channel partner Agrilabs and we're on schedule for a US wide launch in 2012.

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