Latest SmartVet News and Articles
This page provides the latest SmartVet-related news; releases; articles; posts and videos relative to the beef cattle industry. It includes ranching and market trends; insecticides, delivery systems; and best practices. Interviews with Ranchers, Vets and subject matter Experts give us their perspective and share valuable knowledge pertinent to the US cattle industry.
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SmartVet Blog
Welcome to the first SmartVet blog post. We're the newest innovators in Animal health focused on creating products that are convenient, easy to use and save time as well as labor for busy ranchers. The VetCap Delivery System with AiM-C was test launched this summer with our channel partner Agrilabs and we're on schedule for a US wide launch in 2012.
Our blogging goal is to provide our readers with posts that are both interesting and informative. Over the coming months we will prepare posts focused on cattle, ranching, market trends effecting the cattle industry, insecticide resistance, best practices and interviews with ranchers, Vets and subject matter experts to give us their perspective / pass on their knowledge.
One of the things we would like to see change in the Animal health industry is actively listening to the producer. The large corporations seem to have forgotten that all customers matter not just ranchers with over 10,000 head of cattle that get the big discounts while the rest of us pay for those discounts. We want to hear from you and would like you to bring up blog topics that you might be interested in. Please email us with any suggestions you might have and you can also follow us on twitter as well as Facebook.
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